Mida teate laserkauguse määramise tehnoloogiast?

Teaduse ja tehnoloogia pideva arenguga on laserkaugusmõõtmise tehnoloogia jõudnud rohkematesse valdkondadesse ja seda on laialdaselt kasutatud. Niisiis, millised on mõned olulised faktid laserkaugusmõõtmise tehnoloogia kohta, mida me peame teadma? Täna jagame mõningaid põhiteadmisi selle tehnoloogia kohta.


Compared to single-pulse measurement technology, laser rangefinders using multi-pulse measurement technology do not emit just one laser pulse for distance measurement. Instead, they continuously send a series of very short laser pulses (lasting in the nanosecond range). The total measurement time for these pulses ranges from 300 to 800 milliseconds, depending on the performance of the laser rangefinder module used. Once these pulses reach the target, they are reflected back to the highly sensitive receiver in the laser rangefinder. The receiver then begins to sample the received echo pulses and, through highly precise measurement algorithms, can calculate a reliable distance value, even when only a limited number of reflected laser pulses are returned due to motion (eg, slight tremors from hand-held use ).



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Mobiil: + 86-15072320922
Email: sales@lumispot.cn

Postitusaeg: jaan-06-2025